Dedekind, Friedrich
"Grobianus et Grobiana" by published in Frankfurt in 1558, first edition, verse narrative on 97 pages and cover pages in Art Nouveau binding over contemporary binding, slightly water-stained on some pages. The first edition of the famous book "Grobianus et Grobiana" was published in 1558.
Through him, the German language knows the word "Grobian".
In humorous verses, but with a raised index finger, Friedrich Dedekind describes the life of this couple, who are distinguished by their sexual, alcoholic and other misdeeds.
The educational goal of the Protestant pastor, professor and expert, your forefather, is clear: lead a good life!
His book is one of the early prints of a new text, since since the beginning of the art of printing in the middle of the 15th century, mostly only the Roman and Greek classics and Bible texts were printed.
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